Mongodb tool expain their work - OmIndia

Teach To India

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Mongodb tool expain their work

Welcome to MongoDB!

  mongod - The database server.
  mongos - Sharding router.
  mongo  - The database shell (uses interactive javascript).


  mongodump         - Create a binary dump of the contents of a database.
  mongorestore      - Restore data from the output created by mongodump.
  mongoexport       - Export the contents of a collection to JSON or CSV.
  mongoimport       - Import data from JSON, CSV or TSV.
  mongofiles        - Put, get and delete files from GridFS.
  mongostat         - Show the status of a running mongod/mongos.
  bsondump          - Convert BSON files into human-readable formats.
  mongoreplay       - Traffic capture and replay tool.
  mongotop          - Track time spent reading and writing data.
  install_compass   - Installs MongoDB Compass for your platform.

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  1. Great Omindia Tech For Your Support in Technology Wolrd.


